Month: July 2015
This DIY Bike Safety Light Never Needs Batteries, Is Powered by You
We’ve shared tons of ways to stay safe and seen while riding your bike, but if you’re looking for something automatic that you build once and works forever, this DIY safety light is induction-powered, mounts on your back wheel, and stays lit as long as you keep pedaling. Plus, it’s easy to build.
You’ll need the right components, of course, including some magnets, spoke mounts for the light itself, an LED, and some electrical components (diodes, resistors, etc) that you can get at an electronics or hobby store (or just buy online.) Instructables user tom4zs had the spoke mounts 3D printed online, and even includes the schematics to get them printed yourself, but you could rig your own attachment if you prefer. The whole parts list is at the link below too.…
Ultimately, when you assemble the whole thing, you’ll notice there are no batteries and no on/off switches. The whole rig is smart enough to know that you’re pedaling and uses the energy of you pumping the pedals to power the LED. Plus, once you have all the components, putting everything together is really as easy as soldering a few wires and then screwing the thing onto your bike. Check out the full tutorial below—it’s seriously only a few steps.
Bike Wheel Induction Safety Light | Instructables
from Lifehacker
New On The Blinking Line Journal: Eyes of Hitchcock
Eyes of Hitchcock
New On The Blinking Line Journal: In the Mood for Sex (2014)
In the Mood for Sex (2014)
New On The Blinking Line Journal: Tupac Shakur on Life and Death | Blank on Blank | PBS Digital…
Tupac Shakur on Life and Death | Blank on Blank | PBS Digital Studios
New On The Blinking Line Journal: Magic The Gathering The Musical
Magic The Gathering The Musical
New On The Blinking Line Journal: Sunday Ride, July 26th, 2015
Another great Sunday for riding graced us here a KMR. Chad, Patrick, Frank, Dennis, Team Alex, Kami, Ty, and one of our newest ride-alongs Brad, all gathered together to blast around Kzoo. We had a few hiccups with Brad’s bike, but Guru Chad had him fixed up in a jiffy with a few turns of a wrench. We rode all the way up to the Nature center, looped through the entrance, and headed to Harvey’s…
New On The Blinking Line Journal: Cadien – ‘Someone get him some drums’
Cadien – ‘Someone get him some drums’
Top 10 Artists For The Week
The top 10 artists I listened to this week:
[wp_lastfm_charts_top_artists user_name=”blinkingline” period=”7day” chart_type=”horizbar”]
New On The Blinking Line Journal: In Dreams
In Dreams